Health and Safety Measures
We welcome students and teachers onsite for face-to-face programs. We are confident our health and safety response provides a safe learning environment for all staff and students.

Updated Arrangements
Bus Terminal
School Group Restriction
Monash Tech School resumed onsite delivery. Our approach is in keeping with the Victorian Chief Health Officer's health and safety advice for schools, the Department of Education and Training's School Operations Guide, and Monash University's on-campus OHS measures.
Where required, a dedicated CDC Charter Bus to transport students from school to the Monash University Bus Loop. Students will walk the 100m to Monash Tech School circumventing the intermediate buildings.
Students will stay within the Monash Tech School facility from arrival to departure. With the exception of lunch break, where students are able to make use of the designated outdoor break space under the discretion and supervision of accompanying school teachers.
Where possible, classes from different partner schools will be separated onsite each day.

Health Check & Access
Vaccination Status
Symptom Check
Building Access
Facility Access
Employee Health
Monash Tech School encourages staff, adult visitors and volunteers to be vaccinated for COVID-19 and Influenza.
Our operating arrangements function in partnership with students' classroom teachers who maintain a duty of care for their students.
Access to Building 6, 29 Ancora Imparo Way may be restricted.
Access is restricted to the Monash Tech School facility (Level 1).
Other than cleaners, no unauthorised University personnel are permitted to enter our facility during program delivery periods.
Employee health is paramount and staff that show any symptoms however mild will seek medical advice and get tested.

Safety Measures
Air Flow
Air Purifiers
Hand Washing
Hand Sanitisers
Routine First Aid
Rapid Antigen Tests
Regular cleaning arrangements are in place.
Monash Tech School undertakes an annual deep clean.
Air flow is constantly monitored by the Building Automation System and set up to keep CO2 levels below 800ppm.
Air purifiers are located in key learning spaces.
Students attending are asked to practise hand hygiene as they enter and exit the Tech School, transition between Learning Spaces, use the bathrooms, and before and after equipment is used.
Commercial grade no-touch alcohol-based low-irritant hand sanitisers are located in key points throughout the facility.
First Aid cabinets are located throughout the facility, school teachers are expected to still carry first aid kits as part of their school's standard excursion policy. Standard precautions will be followed for infection control.
Staff have been provided with access to P2/N95 masks, surgical masks, and rapid antigen tests.

Clear Expectations
Health Information and Contacts
Bring Water Bottle
Bring Packed Recess and Lunch
Orderly Behaviour
Health and Wellbeing
Student health information and parent or carer contact details should be up to date. The accompanying teachers should have these on hand. These are updated on the Services Utilities Portal as this remains a legal requirement.
Students should bring their own water bottle for use at Monash Tech School. Refill taps are located throughout the facility.
Students should also bring a packed recess and lunch. It is not possible to leave the facility to obtain food.
Orderly behaviour is expected of students as they move through the facility as traffic corridors are narrow.
Any staff or student that becomes unwell is to return home. Students will be isolated and need to be collected by a parent or carer as a precaution.