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Superhealth Program Showcase

Students draw on experiences from the health sector to design future hospital systems that incorporate artificial intelligence, biotechnology, robotics, and virtual reality.

Design Thinking

Students are challenged to design patient-focused health precincts for a growing population in Greater Melbourne.

Students take on the role of health precinct planners and through design thinking learn more about Victoria’s healthcare system and the challenges experienced by workers and patients in the sector. In teams, students design and prototype cutting-edge solutions that seek to respond in increasingly personalised ways. Concepts relating to biomedicine, medical technologies, biotechnologies, robotics and virtual reality create a future focussed picture of how technologies will interface with humans and impact on lives for the better.


Humanoid robots, autonomous vehicles, and genetic engineering enrich students' understanding of the brave and increasingly personalised technologies entering the healthcare sector.

A collaborative approach to learning about new technologies underpins this program. Students learn and use technologies that produce virtual reality environments, genetic engineering solutions using bacterial models, artificial intelligence and voice recognition simulation tools to create a deeper understanding of how technology is augmenting healthcare. These prototypes are tested by peers who interact with these technologies at the conclusion of the program.

Special Education

A modified and enriched program drawing on the ideas from the Superhealth program, the Specialist School partners participate in a modified version of the program that leads into hands-on STEM activities.

Expertly curated and scaffolded, with input from partner school teachers, this program allows students to explore a range of STEM ideas and technologies through hands-on activities related to health. Students are challenged to extract DNA from plant material, code an autonomous vehicle through a preset obstacle course, simulate a doctor-patient interaction and design a hospital.


Uncovering the complexity of industry automation, hospital systems, training institutions and research centres are essential to broadening student understandings of career pathways.

Industry partners contribute to understanding the varied roles STEM graduates hold in industry, healthcare, and research organisations. A tour of the automated Yakult Factory in Dandenong South showcases engineering and biomedical pathways while a tour of the Monash Children’s Hospital showcases how architects and designers can improve wellbeing through human-centered design approaches. In previous years students have visited Hudson Institute of Medical Research, Holmesglen Simulation Centre and Monash Biomedicine Discovery Institute.

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