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Superhumans Program Showcase

Students in the program utilise design thinking to explore medical technologies, materials science, engineering, electronics, and design technologies.

Design Thinking

The design thinking process allows students to research and empathise with patient personas and with this knowledge ideate, prototype and pitch solutions that incorporate biomedical technologies.

Students learn about how bionic, wearable, and implant technologies might resolve real medical conditions that are experienced by people in the community. After selecting their patient, they work collaboratively in teams to design and develop solutions, with semi-functional prototypes developed from their combined efforts. Applying entrepreneurial skills they pitch and demonstrate their solution to a target audience.


CAD tools, 3D printing, laser cutting and modular electronics are incorporated into the program to support learning and engagement.

Students use CAD tools to generate digital 2D and 3D models for their solution. These models are cross-compatible with our 3D printers and laser cutters, which allows students to realise their digital designs in a physical form. The modular electronics enhances the students' designs by allowing them to operate in similar ways to real medical devices. As a team, students are given the responsibility to learn the different technologies and together apply their knowledge and technology to create their own bionic, wearable or implant.

Special Education

Our Specialist School partners participate in a modified version of our Superhumans core program that focuses on STEM, the design thinking framework, industry, and adaptable technology.

Special education students' complete pre-work before the program, such as familiarisation with specialised vocabulary and an introduction to wearable technologies. Booklets designed to suit the cohort’s abilities are provided at differentiated levels of access and allows for independent information gathering. Students apply augmented reality to learn about the human body, and use conductive silver pens and electronics to make the foundation for a watch. They also use modular and accessible electronics which when combined with their designs allows students to build a temperature sensor for their watch.


This program is inspired by the work of industry and research groups such as Anatomics, CSIRO, and the Monash Vision Group.

Students are given a challenge similar to those faced by local industry groups, such as Anatomics, CSIRO and the Monash Vision Group. With the medical and pharmaceutical sector continuing to grow across the City of Monash, Monash Tech School aims to better prepare students for the prospect of working in this industry. The creative and technological skills of the students allow them to create innovative solutions that may one day treat real patients.

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