Our team recently spent eight days learning about all things communications strategies from the team at The Coaching Room in their Advanced Communications Skills Program.

The sessions began with an exploration of the Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) communication model. We learnt about the ways that individuals interpret communication through lenses such as deletions, distortions and generalisations. Through this, we gained an idea of how everyone's reality is slightly different and how this can affect the ways that we all communicate.
A key aspect of the NLP communication model is Meta-programs. We discussed how our own perceptual filters or Meta-programs also contribute to the way we communicate. We worked to identify our own Meta-programs to bring awareness to our unique communication filters.
With our newfound knowledge of NLP, we engaged in conversations focusing on specific questioning, feedback, active listening, and building rapport. We began to identify these strategies in others and discovered the best ways to utilise them ourselves.
Later in the program, we unpacked our results to the Identity Compass analytical tool. This tool revealed how each of the members of our team constructs the ideas that influence their own behaviour. We then looked at a snapshot of our team's values and drivers overall. This reflected our team values and positioned us to discuss what it means for us to be a member of the team at Monash Tech School.