Supersigma ran as part of the Victorian Challenge and Enrichment Series during Terms 3 & 4. Designed and delivered by Jennifer Palisse (Programs and Performance Manager), these mathematics enrichment activities were targeted towards high-ability primary students in Years 3–6.
Originally intended to run face-to-face, due to COVID-19, all delivery was online. Supersigma sessions focused on delivering engaging content that sat outside of the school curriculum. These sessions focused on inquiry learning and collaborative problem solving where students delve into rich investigations.
Sessions included: • Count like a Computer: Number Bases • Count like a Computer: Modular Arithmetic • Count like a Computer: Extension • Dizzying Spirals: Exploring Spirographs • Dizzying Spirals: Multiplication Circles • Unlocking Magic: Number Tricks • Unlocking Magic: Card Shuffling • Crazy Cubes • Stationery Mathematics • You’re being Most Irrational • So you think you can Count? • The Magic Lie Detector
The number of participating schools was far beyond expectation. We successfully sought further funding and offered additional sessions. Across Victoria, 58 schools participated and 2,379 student places were delivered in Terms 3-4.